- About Sea Dream Music
In 1976, a year before Plankton Records was formed, Simon Law set up Sea Dream Music with some friends (one of who, the Revd Ian Petrie – aka Eric Lives – still remains a partner of Sea Dream Music only to this day), in order to initially publish and act as an agent for the songs Simon was writing and Simon’s band Sea Stone.
The firm then began publishing songs for other song writers and then also to act as Sub-Publisher for other small like-minded publishing firms such as ernvik music in Sweden (a place where they don’t like capital letters!).
Working alongside Plankton Records, under the umbrella company title of SANDCASTLE PRODUCTIONS, Sea Dream Music continued to expand with Keith Dixon joined as a partner in 1991.

In 1977 Sea Dream Music added book publishing to its repertoire as a natural extension of its operation. The material has a Christian bias and aims to communicate honest experiences through prose, poetry and drama. 1982 saw the publication of the first edition of Keep Music Legal written by Simon Law and Eric Lives. Reaching a 4th revised edition this book become our biggest selling title as well as being recognised by the music industry establishment as a valuable reference book for both performers and writers. The book has been on the recommended lists of organisations such as PRS, the Musician’s Union and CCL.
Sea Dream Music is still an active music publisher and we also continue to administer the works of several other publishers.
With the book publishing division of Sea Dream Music, we have continued to publish the occasional new title and we are now in the process of adding the available titles to the shop on-line page of this website. To see all available Sea Dream Music book titles currently available on-line, please go to the bottom of the shop page, below the music section.